Tuesday, August 16, 2016

A Cherry Blossom Fairy Tale

A blind child
led by (her) mother
admires the cherry blossom
~A Haiku by Kikakou

And a fairy tale by Cindy, inspired through meditation on this haiku ...
Once upon a time there was a cherry blossom.  She was gloriously beautiful, pink, and joyful!   Cherry Blossom lived in a large tree at the edge of a famous orchard and all day long people would come by and admire the tree with its plethora of plump pink cherry blossoms but this one Cherry Blossom always felt like no one ever truly saw her.  She knew she didn't have long to live in the kind tree from which she had come, after all she was very fragile.  At the end of her life, she knew death was imminent.  She so longed to be seen, to be known deeply by someone.  

As the days passed Cherry Blossom suddenly found that all of her friends were beginning to die, one by one with just a puff of the wind they would float through the air before landing ever so gently on the ground below.  One day Cherry Blossom began to weep as she asked herself - "Is this all there is?"   To no one in particular it seemed to her but possibly to God, she said, "Please, oh please, let me be known before I die."  And time stood still.  Cherry Blossom saw a young mother and her child making their way along the path into the orchard.  For some reason, Cherry Blossom felt an instant connection as her attention was drawn to the quiet child whose soul was so compelling, she seemed to see nothing and everything at the same time.  

As the young mother and her child came closer, Cherry Blossom felt something flicker inside her.   As Mother lifted child higher and higher, closer and closer ... Mother put out her hand and gently helped Cherry Blossom to reach out and brush the cheek of the child.  The child sighed a deep sigh and the stirring within Cherry Blossom grew with great intensity until exploding within her.  Cherry Blossom finally felt seen by one who could not see.   She took one more breath and let go.  As she floated to the ground, she sang a cherry blossom song that had never before been heard and has not been heard since except by this sweet little child who carried the song within her heart.  And in her heart, Cherry Blossom lived on.

What is your deepest longing?  Of course, as I have written my fairy tale you can see that my deepest longing is always to see and be seen.  Isn't it amazing that something as simple as a few syllables in a haiku can invite such deep pondering?   I invite you to join me in pondering and writing ... After a time of centering, read the haiku and allow yourself to enter into it from the perspective of one of the characters or perhaps as an observer of the scene.  What do you see, hear, smell?  What do you feel?   Take up your pen and journal or maybe your computer and write a fairy tale.  Just begin with, "Once upon a time ..." and let it flow out of you.   If you are not finding a flow, go back and try entering the haiku from the perspective of a different character.   You may prefer to draw your fairy tale in an image, either one you draw, it can be as simple as color on a page, or one you find in a magazine that evokes the energy you find in the haiku.   Simple give yourself up to the process and you may be surprised at what you find hidden within. 

If you'd like to share your adventure, seek out a spiritual director or someone who listens deeply.  You can take the link to my website and email me if you'd like to share it with me.  I'd love to hear from you.  

Deep Deep Peace to you, dear reader.  Until next time, may you be held in the gentle embrace of the Holy.