Monday, February 14, 2011

Rhythm of Life

Rising ... I rise with You

From the Chaos comes ... In the beginning, the Spirit of God hovers over the chaos of my waters. let there be light. and morning comes

Living ... I live with You

Storm Water Gentle Rain Peace ... In the image of God, I am created.  God blesses me ... live and love and be fruitful ... live, it is good

Resting ... I rest with You

Temple of God's Light ... God finishes and calls to me.  God rests.  be still and know that I am God

A Commentary and InvitationHere I am working with rhythm and rule.  For living my life, I feel a natural three-fold interior rhythm in my soul.  There is a circularity or a spiraling sense as well ... an ebb and flow with a gentle pause.  

What about you?  How would you express your own natural rhythm in words or images? 
If you need a little help to start ... here is my process but listen to the rhythms of your own heart and allow your creative spirit to soar:  I took a deep breath as I set my intention.  Then, I pondered my own deep rhythm as long as I felt the need … let images or words arise as they are ready.  For me the image emerged first.  And then the words … I started “word-working” with a haiku and painted it into my image.  A traditional English haiku is simple poetry, a writing expressed in three lines.  Line 1=5 syllables, Line 2=7 syllables, Line 3=5 syllables.  For more info on haiku and other poetry techniques, visit AHApoetry.     Next, I “named” the hours of my rhythm.  Finally, I searched the scripture tucked away in my heart and in “midrash” technique interpreted what emerged for the prayers of my daily hours.  

Note:  I've been participating in a 6-week online contemplative creative community "retreat" during which I've been inspired through many creative prompts by Christine Valters Paintner.  Visit her Abbey of the Arts to learn more about transformative living through contemplation and expressive arts.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Interior Castle

Let nothing disturb you,
nothing frighten you,
all things are passing.
God never changes.
Patience always conquers.
Whoever has God lacks nothing,
for God alone suffices.

 -- Teresa of Avila

Teresa of Avila was a Spanish mystic and Carmelite nun who lived in the 16th century.  In her famous work about the inner journey, The Interior Castle, she says, "the soul is like a castle made exclusively of diamond or some other very clear crystal.  In this castle are a multitude of dwellings ..."

I think the soul as Teresa speaks of it sounds very beautiful.  And I wonder, "how we can comprehend this beauty within ourselves?"  One of the ways we can begin to fathom these deeper interior movements is to engage our right brain in a creative activity.   Creating a collage is a way of allowing our unconscious to speak to us.  Perhaps you can create a collage mosaic by just looking at what I've done.  Perhaps you need further instructions.  Take this link to "Collage MOSAIC Creation" on my website for more detailed instructions.

Remember ... Let nothing disturb you!