Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What does the next moment hold ... really?

WOW!  Yesterday was quite a day.  

There I was sitting at a red light behind an 18-wheeler at a major intersection: Texas Hwy 99 and FM 1093 in Fort Bend County.  I looked up in my rear view mirror and noticed that the 18-wheeler coming up behind me wasn't slowing down ... honestly my mind went blank and I braced myself thinking that my daughter and I would be no long alive in the next moment ... unwilling filler in an 18-wheel sandwich.

Suddenly the driver swerved to the right and I quickly inched up and over as far as I could with the vehicles surrounding me perilously close.  boom! we are jarred as our vehicle was hit by the back of the trailer. We turned our heads slowly to the right to watch as the truck was driven up the concrete embankment.  It stopped at the top with a pregnant pause when suddenly the wheels were moving again back in our direction.  Slowly the truck begins a harrowing roll over toward us.  It seemed as if time entered a slow motion tunnel.  All we can do is watch without knowing if we'd have another moment of life.  Time stood still for a millisecond as the dirt rained down upon us and the truck stopped its roll ... about 6 inches from our vehicle.  I think Katie screamed while it happened and I know I hyperventilated when it was all over.  And all I can do today as I rub my sore muscles is

PS:  the brakes had failed ... the truck driver walked away without a scratch ... It's a miracle.

As we move toward Palm Sunday and Holy Week ... I continue to ask myself ... what does the next moment hold ... really?  Life is precious and fleeting.  Enjoy what you have while you have it ... knowing that resurrection awaits...

Peace, Cindy

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